Veolia donates kits to support Solihull’s growing community of volunteers

Solihull Council’s environmental partner, Veolia, has funded 140 kits worth over £2,000, to help Love Solihull’s growing community of volunteers as they litter pick across the borough.

Love Solihull – Solihull Council’s environmental campaign - currently has over 1,300 volunteers across the borough. As the campaign’s membership has expanded, so too has the amount of litter picks taking place across the borough – and demand for equipment has never been so great.

Cllr Ken Hawkins, Solihull Council’s Cabinet Member for  Environment and Infrastructure, said:

“Our Love Solihull environmental initiative has gone from strength to strength and is indicative of the huge pride our residents have for their local areas. Our only problem has been keeping up with the campaign’s needs so it’s fantastic that Veolia has been able to support us by buying more kits for our volunteers.

“Looking after our environment is everyone’s responsibility – and of course we would like to get to a point where nobody drops any litter in the first place. Together, our volunteers – who come from all walks of life – and our street cleansing teams, ensure that Solihull continues to be a wonderful place to live, work in and visit. A big thank you to Love Solihull and Veolia for all their hard work.”

Jenny Bright, Solihull volunteer said:

“Since lockdown, litter picking has continued to grow, as volunteers have realised it is a relaxing form of exercise whilst keeping the neighbourhoods clean. Additional equipment will be a big help in supporting our work with schools, Duke of Edinburgh initiatives, assisting more businesses wanting to litter pick for their corporate volunteer days, and helping out with Community projects.”

To help keep up with the volunteers’ incredible efforts, Veolia has donated 70 litter picking kits, 50 graffiti removal kits and 20 dog fouling kits. Worth over £2,000, the kits include graffiti wipes, gloves, bag hoops and litter pickers to support volunteers in their activities.

Wayne Rowley, Senior Operations Manager for Veolia Solihull said:

“Beyond delivering our essential waste collection and street cleansing services, we are proud to be providing support to the communities we serve. The inspiring efforts of proactive volunteers carrying out litter picks in small residential roads and on private land, help our 18 street cleansing teams to focus on clearing litter and fly-tips from high footfall areas, keeping them clean and safe.”

The new kits are now available at local libraries. Anyone who would like to volunteer can sign up to Love Solihull via the Council’s website, pick up a kit, and get litter picking at their leisure - there’s even equipment designed for children so they can get involved too.

As well as street cleansing, Veolia delivers recycling and waste collections, operating Bickenhill Household Waste Recycling Centre. Their partner, idverde, delivers grounds maintenance and forestry services as part of their Environmental Contract with Solihull Council.

If you would like to become a volunteer, you can sign up here: